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Nous sommes les spécialistes de l'embellissement numérique.

Ce que nous faisons

Taktiful aide les utilisateurs d'embellissements numériques à devenir plus rentables en concevant, exploitant, vendant et commercialisant des imprimés embellis.

Qui nous aidons


Fournisseurs de services d'impression

Nous nous engageons à rentabiliser votre investissement dans la technologie d'embellissement numérique .

Fabricants de l'industrie de l'impression

Nous nous engageons à vous aider à vendre plus de presses d'embellissement numériques et à assurer le succès de vos clients.

Propriétaires de marque

Nous promettons de vous montrer comment exploiter la puissance du marketing sensoriel pour sauter de l'étagère et augmenter votre résultat net.

Connectez plus de personnes à VOTRE marque en utilisant la science du toucher

Notre équipe travaille exclusivement dans l'industrie de l'embellissement numérique et propose des solutions de vente et de marketing garantissant une amélioration de la rentabilité

Check Out The Software Side of Taktiful

Estimate & Price

Visualize & Proof

Design Automation

Welcome to Taktiful Software Solutions – where innovation meets the digital print embellishment industry.

In a world where the details matter, our cutting-edge, AI-driven software solutions are designed to transform your digital embellishment operations from the ground up.  We're not just developing software; we're building bridges to the future of digital print embellishment.

Unlock the Power of Digital Embellishments in 8 Weeks (3).png
Unlock the Power of Digital Embellishments in 8 Weeks (4).png

Our 8 Week Program

Our bespoke 8 week consulting package is designed specifically for printers who want to be successful with their digital print embellishment equipment, specifically with inkjet and CMYK+ technologies.

Over the course of eight weekly, one-hour sessions, our experts will work with you to tackle a new subject, including sales, marketing, estimating, pricing, design, production workflow, quality control, and post-production services.

Digital Embellishment Designer Meetup:
JULY 26TH, 2024​

The Digital Embellishment Designer Meetup is the perfect event for designers who are passionate about digital embellishment technology. Hosted by the award-winning design expert Matt Redbear, this meetup promises to be a fun and inspiring experience for all who attend.


Sponsored by MGI Digital Technology, and co-sponsored by PaperSpecs and The Digital Embellishment Alliance, the meetup aims to foster a sense of community among designers. It offers a fantastic opportunity to connect with peers, exchange best practices, and share tips and tricks for optimizing designs with the latest technology.


Set in a relaxed and welcoming virtual environment, this event encourages designers to come as they are, with no pressure to turn on cameras or worry about presentations. The focus is purely on sharing knowledge and experiences, with no sales pitches or data capturing involved.Participants can look forward to a dynamic and enlightening gathering, where they can learn innovative design techniques specific to digital print embellishments and gain insights from a diverse array of viewpoints.


Whether you're a seasoned professional or new to the world of digital embellishments, this meetup is a wonderful chance to enhance your skills, gain valuable insights, and network with other like-minded professionals.


Join us for a celebration of creativity, community, and the art of digital embellishment design!

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Dernières vidéos

Innovating Print with HP Indigo's Shirley Coifman | Digital Embellishment Show

Innovating Print with HP Indigo's Shirley Coifman | Digital Embellishment Show

Welcome to another episode of the Digital Embellishment Show! Today, we are thrilled to have a special guest from Tel Aviv, Israel: Shirley Coifman, Head of HP Indigo's Global Strategic Alliances. Join Kevin Abergel as he delves into Shirley's fascinating journey from the public sector to HP Indigo and discusses the future of digital print. In this episode, Shirley shares insights from her experiences, including strategic partnerships with platforms like Fiverr, the role of AI in print, and the importance of physical experiences for Gen Z and Gen Alpha. Discover how HP Indigo is creating opportunities and driving innovation in the print industry, making print more relevant and valuable than ever before. Topics covered: Shirley's background and journey to HP Indigo The importance of strategic alliances in the print industry The impact of digital and physical experiences on new generations How HP Indigo is leveraging AI and other technologies to enhance print The future of print and key tips for printers to prepare for it Don't miss this engaging conversation packed with valuable insights for anyone in the print industry. Subscribe to our channel for more episodes and stay updated with the latest in digital embellishment and print innovation! #DigitalEmbellishmentShow #PrintInnovation #HPIndigo #ShirleyCoifman #KevinAbergel #FutureOfPrint #AIInPrint #StrategicAlliances #GenZ #GenAlpha #PrintIndustry #Taktiful

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